"The Russian newspaper to your morning coffee"

learn Russian online

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1. How to work with the programme

In order to work with the programme successfully and with less strain you should observe a few simple rules:

  • When you listen to the text for the first time, don't concentrate on the unknown words, but try to grasp the general meaning. When you listen to the text the second time, pay attention to the details and try to catch the information that is mentioned in the question.
  • When you read the text, observe the same recommendations: don't stop trying to find separate unknown words (you will work with them in other tasks). Read without stopping till the end, trying to grasp the general meaning.
  • While you are doing the task, make notes in your note-book: write down the words in the initial form (e.g. write down verbs in the form of the infinitive, etc.). As for the questions, please, answer them orally!
  • Learn all the written down words and phrases without fail.
  • Try to pronounce by memory the final parts of the sentences written down by you in the task "Finish the phrases".
  • Read the text at the end of the lesson again: you will see that you know its contents much better as compared to the first reading. Retell the text. Don't ignore it.
  • Before learning the dialogs, read them aloud using correct intonation. While retelling, try to retain the natural tempo of colloquial speech.
  • While describing a picture, say not only what you see in the picture, but also what you think, or guess, or suppose, in short, all you know on this topic.

We wish you strong coffee, fresh news and enjoyable reading!    

© Е. И. Бегенева, 2010
Создание сайта Wilmark Design

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